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DateGO NumberIssued by DepartmentSubjectDownload
09-01-2024G.O.Ms.No.3Government of TelanganaConstitution of Committee on DharaniView G.O.
10-02-2024G.O.Rt.No.72Government of TelanganaConstitution of Committee to look into the issues relating to Village Revenue Assistants in the StateView G.O.
27-02-2024G.O.Rt.No.101GREATER HYDERABAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONGHMC and all ULBs - Wa iver of 90% arrears Interest on property taxView G.O.
13-10-2021G.O.Rt.No.783GREATER HYDERABAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONGHMC – Development of Missing Link / Slip Roads - Levy of Special Development ChargesView G.O.
28-01-2024Cir. No.168/TPS/HO/GHMC/2024 GREATER HYDERABAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONGHMC – Town Planning – Head Office – Certain Instructions received from CCLA, Telangana regarding keeping in abeyance regularization of Government lands under G.O.Ms.No.59 – Ranga Reddy, Medchal-Malkajgiri and Sanga Reddy Districts – Further InstructionsView G.O.
07-06-2024Ms. No. 67Government of TelanganaRERA Act, 2016 - Appointment of Chairperson to Telangana Real Estate Appellate TribunalView G.O.
03-08-2023TSRERA Letter Lr.No.673-RERA-2023Government of TelanganaTS RERA - Estt - Appointment of Sri Syed Lateef-ur-Rahman, District & Sessions Judge (Retd) as Adjudicating Officer, TS RERAView G.O.
31-07-2023G.O.Ms.No.138Government of TelanganaAmendment to Telangana Regularization of Unapproved and illegal Layout Rules, 2020View G.O.
26-07-2023G.O.Ms.No.84Government of TelanganaGuidelines for Regularisation of transactions of urban Non-Agri Properties acquired through unregistered notarised documentsView G.O.
26-07-2023HMDA Proc.No.2173-Est-HMDA-2023HMDACertain working arrangements in Planning Section of HMDAView G.O.
19-07-2023G.O.Rt.No.1020Government of TelanganaTransfers and Postings of certain IPS OfficersView G.O.
19-07-2023G.O.Rt.No.217Government of TelanganaTelangana State Civil Service Rules, 1992 - Transfers and postings of certain Special Grade Deputy Collectors and Deputy CollectorsView G.O.
18-07-2023No.23157GHMCGHMC Proceedings Transfer and posting of Deputy Commissioners in GHMCView G.O.
15-07-2023G.O.Rt.No.472Government of TelanganaMAUD - Establishment of Muni Comm's - Transfers and postings of certain Muni Comm'sView G.O.
14-07-2023G.O.Rt.No.1002Government of TelanganaIAS - Transfers & PostingsView G.O.
10-07-2023G.O.Rt.No.436Government of TelanganaTown Planning - Transfer and postings of certain officialsView G.O.
04-07-2023G.O.Rt.No.953Government of TelanganaAppointment of D Ronald Rose as Comm, GHMCView G.O.
13-06-2023A.P. G.O.Ms.No.80Government of Andhra Pradeshon Levy of Impact fee for Non-Resi Buildings other than Industrial in site area of 300 Sq. Mtrs & aboveView G.O.
12-06-2023G.O.Ms.No.85Government of TelanganaRERA Act, 2016 - Appointment of Members to TSRERAView G.O.
12-06-2023G.O.Ms.No.84Government of TelanganaRERA Act, 2016 - Appointment of Chairperson to TSRERAView G.O.
27-05-2023G.O.Ms.No.15 (WRG-GRC)27.05.2023Telangana State Ground Water Extraction Rules, 2023View G.O.
09-05-2023G.O.Rt.No.676Government of TelanganaAppt of Mr. SOmesh Kumar, IAS as Chief Advisor to CMView G.O.
13-04-2023G.O.Ms.No.58Government of TelanganaAmendments to Building Rules, 2012 - Installation of Automated External Defibrillators (AED)View G.O.
04-04-2023G.O.Ms.No.4Government of TelanganaGuidelines for granting exemption to all shops & establishments for opening 247 in Telangana StateView G.O.
31-03-2023G.O.Ms.No.49Government of TelanganaMAUD Dept - Amendment to Building Rules, 2012 - AMRUTH 2.0View G.O.
03-03-2023G.O.Ms.No.33Government of TelanganaMAUD Dept - RERA Act, 2016 - Telangana RERA - Designation of Chief Secy to Govt (Smt. A Santhi Kumari, IAS) as Chairman of TSRERAView G.O.
01-03-2023G.O.Ms.No.22Government of TelanganaRegularization and Transfer of rights on lands encroachment on unobjectionable Govt land and surplus land under ULC to people pn payment basisView G.O.
31-01-2023G.O.Rt.No.153Government of Telangana Mr. Navin Mitral, IAS posted as Prpl Secy, Land Revenue and RegistrationView G.O.
31-01-2023G.O.Rt.No.159Government of TelanganaCertain transfers and postings of IAS Officers and FAC arrangementsView G.O.
28-01-2023Memo No.557-2023-MAUD-PeshiGovernment of Telangana High Level Mtg on Fire PreventionView G.O.
20-01-2023G.O.Ms.No.3Government of TelanganaMerger of Housing Dept including staff in Transport, Roads & Building DeptView G.O.
11-01-2023G.O.Rt.No.71Government of TelanganaA Santhi Kumari, IAS - Appointment as Chief SecretaryView G.O.
03-01-2023G.O.Rt.No.16Government of TelanganaIPS Transfers and PostingsView G.O.
14-12-2023G.O.Rt.No.1640Government of TelanganaIAS - Postings - Posting of Ms. Amrapali Kata, IAS as Joint Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDAView G.O.
17-12-2023G.O.Rt.No.1652Government of TelanganaIAS -Transfers and Postings - MAUD, HMWSSB and Commercial Tax DeptView G.O.
12-12-2022G.OMs.No.235Government of TelanganaAmendment to Building Rules, 2012, in respect of Utilisation of TDR CertificateView G.O.
03-11-2022CCLA Ref No. CMRO-3691-2022Government of TelanganaDharani - Prohibited Properties in 22-A - Certain instructions issuedView G.O.
28-10-2022G.O.Ms.No.118Government of TelanganaRegularization of certain lands which are in possession of public in various coloniesView G.O.
16-07-2022G.O.Rt.No.485Government of TelanganaProp Tax - OTS clear off arrears in Prop Tax - Waiver of 90% arrear interest on Prop Tax til F.Y. 2021-22View G.O.
09-05-2022G.O.Ms.No.45Government of TelanganaComm. Tax Dept - Telangana One Time Settlement Scheme 2022View G.O.
19-04-2022Memo No.5544-Plg.III-2022Government of TelanganaMAUD Dept - Podium Parking Rules issued in G.O.Ms.No.103 dt 03.07.2021View G.O.
12-04-2022G.O.Ms.No.69Government of TelanganaMAUD Dept - Removal of restrictions imposed in the villages covered by G.O.Ms.No.111 dt 08.03.1996View G.O.
29-01-2022G.O.Ms.No.9Government of TelanganaImplementation of Revised Market Values w.e.f 01.02.2022View G.O.
24-01-2022G.O.Ms.No.14Government of TelanganaMAUD - Amendments to Building Rules, 2012View G.O.
18-01-2022G.O.Ms.No.3Government of TelanganaTel Agri Land (Conv for Non-Agri Purposes) Act, 2006 (Act No.3 of 2006) - Prescribing the Rates of Conversion TaxView G.O.
19-01-2022G.O.Rt.No.23Government of TelanganaTel Rev of M.V. Guidelines Rules, 1998 - Permission to CIG, (R&S), Telangana to take up exercise for Revision of M.V. in TSView G.O.
15-12-2021G.O.Rt.No.2771Government of TelanganaAppointment of Chairman's to CorporationView G.O.
09-12-2021Memo No.16304Plg.III2021Government of TelanganaCropping up of unauthorised Constructions in Municipalities located in HMDA limitsView G.O.
25-11-2021G.O.Ms.No.205HMDAHMDA - Integrated Development of Kokapet & its Surrounding Area - Levy of Betterment Charges user charges in Kokapet (V)View G.O.
09-11-2021G.O.Ms.No.09Government of Telangana2nd ICT Policy of Govt of Telangana - ICT Policy 2021-2026 (2)View G.O.
09-11-2021G.O.Ms.No.09Government of Telangana2nd ICT Policy of Govt of Telangana - ICT Policy 2021-2026View G.O.
03-11-2021Memogovernment of andhra pradeshSOP to be followed for speedy disposal of LRS applicationsView G.O.
03-11-2021Memogovernment of andhra pradeshExtension of time limit for disposal of LRS applicationsView G.O.
28-10-2021Memo No. 11527-Plg.III-2021GHMCTDR - Certain ClarificationsView G.O.
28-10-2021G.O.Ms.No.180Government of TelanganaContinuation of certain commercial activities in residential areasView G.O.
13-10-2021Memo No. 11452Plg.III2021Government of TelanganaMandating IT Parks to provide 25% parking lots with Electric Vehicle ChargingView G.O.
18-09-2021G.O.Rt.No.2133Government of TelanganaCabinet Sub-Committee - Constitution - on DharaniView G.O.
18-09-2021G.O.Rt.No.2136Government of TelanganaCabinet Sub-Committee - Constitution - Issues pertaining to House SitesView G.O.
20-07-2021G.O.Ms.No.58Government of TelanganaImplementation of Revised Market Values in the state w.e.f 22.07.2021 (3)View G.O.
20-07-2021G.O.MS.No: 58Revenue (Registration) DepartmentRevenue (Registration) Department - The Telangana Revision of Market Value Guidelines Rules, 1998 - Implementation of Revised Market Values In the state with effect on and from 22.07.2021View G.O.
20-07-2021G.O.MS.No: 59Revenue (Registration) DepartmentRevenue (Registration) Department - Indian Stamp Act, 1899 -Revision of Stamp duty payable in respect of certain instruments falling under various Articles of Schedule I-A to the Indian Stamp Act, 1899View G.O.
20-07-2021G.O.MS.No: 60Revenue (Registration) DepartmentRevenue (Registration) Department - Registration Act, 1908 - Section 78 -Table of Fees - AmendmentView G.O.
03-07-2021G.O.MS.No: 102Municipal Administration and Urban Development (Plg.III) DepartmentMA & UD Dept — Declaration of Commercial Roads in GHMC / HMDA area — Final NotificationView G.O.
03-07-2021G.O.MS.No: 103Municipal Administration and Urban Development (Plg.III) DepartmentRules for Podium Parking to Amendments to Building Rules 2012View G.O.
10-06-2021G.O.MS.No: 13Industries and Commerce (IP&INF) DepartmentIndustries & Commerce Department - Government Lands/Assets – Disposal of Government land parcels under control of various Departments which are not required for any public purpose located in various prime areas scattered throughout the State by open public auction – Standard Operating procedure (SOP) to be followed by Nodal AgenciesView G.O.
02-03-2021G.O.Rt.No: 207Municipal Administration and Urban Development (GHM II) DepartmentMA & UD DEPARTMENT Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation and all ULBs - Extending the One Time Scheme to clear off of arrears in Property Tax upto 30.11.2020View G.O.
04-02-2021Memo No.2461/Pig.III/2020Municipal Administration and Urban Development DepartmentOnline Building permissions through Self-Certification and Single Window System - Constitution of Enforcement TeamsView G.O.
15-01-2021CCLA’s Circular No. 1/2021Office of the Chief Commissioner of Land AdministrationInstructions to the District CollectorsView G.O.
12-01-2021G.O.Ms.No.4Revenue (Assignment-I) DepartmentTelangana Rights in Land and Pattadar Pass Books Act, 2020 - Constitution of Special Tribunals - NotificationView G.O.
08-01-2021Meme.No:13423/Engg.2/2020Municipal Administration & Urban Development (Engg) DepartmentMA & UD Dept., - HMWS & SB - 20KL Free Drinking water Supply Scheme - Certain Guidelines - Issued - RegView G.O.
30-12-2020Meme.No:14148/PLG.III/2020Municipal Administration & Urban Development DepartmentGHMC - LRS - 2020 - Telangana Regularization of Unapproved and Illegal Layout Rules, 2020 - Processing of Building PermissionsView G.O.
15-12-2020Circular No.G3/541/2020Municipal Administration & Urban Development DepartmentRegistration Act, 1908 – Ease of Registrations- prior slot- booking for Non-agricultural Registrations – instructionsView G.O.
13-12-2020G.O.Ms.No.1930General Administration (Cabinet) DepartmentGroup of Ministers - Constitution of Cabinet Sub-Committee to look into various issues relating to Registrations of PropertiesView G.O.
10-12-2020W.P.(PIL).NO. 254 0F 2020High Court for the State of TelanganaHigh Court Order on Registration of NA PropertiesView G.O.
03-12-2020G.O.Ms.No.213Municipal Administration & Urban Development (MA) DepartmentRules The Telangana Municipalities Act, 2019 (Act No.11 of 2019) - Municipalities/ Municipal Corporations (except GHMC) - The Telangana Municipalities (Mutation of Property through Dharani Portal) Rules, 2020 NotificationView G.O.
02-12-2020G.O.Ms.No.211Municipal Administration & Urban Development (MA) DepartmentMA & UD Department - Notification for requirement Aadhaar under Section 7 of the Aadhar (Targeted Detlvery of Financial and other Subsidies, Beneflts and Services) Act 2016 for financial asslstance under free Drinking Water Supply Scheme to Property Tax payers in the ULBS of the State - Financed from Consolldated Fund of Teiangana State / General Fund of the respective ULBS - Orders - IssuedView G.O.
16-11-2020G.O.Ms.No.199Municipal Administration & Urban Development (PLG. III) DepartmentMunicipal Administration & Urban Development Department — The Telangana State Building Permission Approval and Self Certification System (TSbPASS) Act - 2020 (Act No.12 of 2020) - Date of commencement of Act - NotifiedView G.O.
16-11-2020G.O.Ms.No.197Municipal Administration & Urban Development (PLG. III) DepartmentMA & UD Department Payment of Building Permit and other charges in installments in Municipal Corporations/ Municipalities / UDAsView G.O.
16-11-2020Memo No.12547/P3/2020Municipal Administration & Urban Development (PLG. III) DepartmentNAMUD Department - Building Permissions - Mortgage of 10% Built up area to UDAs 1 ULBs - Certain instructions issued- RegardingView G.O.
02-11-2020G.O.Rt.No.570Municipal Administration & Urban Development (GHMC II) DepartmentMA & UD DEPARTMENT -Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation - Establishment of Strategic Nala Development Programme (SNDP) - Smt. Vasantha, Chief Engineer(Rtd), R & B Department posted as OSD, Strategic Nala Development Programme, GHMCView G.O.
31-10-2020G.O.Rt.No.566Municipal Administration & Urban Development (GHMC II) DepartmentMA & UD DEPARTMENT - Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation and all ULBs - Extending the One Time Scheme to clear off of arrears in Property Tax for another (15) days, w.e.f., 01.11.2020 up to 15.11.2020View G.O.
28-10-2020G.O.Ms.No.118Revenue (Registration) DepartmentRevenue (Registration) Department - Re-or8anisation - Formation of new sub-districts, establishment of offices of Sub-Registrars and appointing Tahsildars as Joint Sub-Registrars under the Registration Act, 1908 (Central Act No.16 of 1908) - NotificationView G.O.
28-10-2020G.O.Ms.No.116Revenue (Assignment-I) DepartmentRevenue Department - The Telangana Rights in Land and Pattadar pass Books Act, 2020 (Telangana Act No.g of 2020) - Date of commencement of the Act - NotificationView G.O.
28-10-2020G.O.Ms.No.184Municipal Administration & Urban Development (MA) DepartmentMA & UD Department - Mutation Fee - Fixation of Mutation Fee in a uniform manner in all Urban Local Bodies including GHMC in the StateView G.O.
29-09-2020Order No.15Telangana State Real Estate Regulatory AuthorityRevision of Project Registration Validity and Extended Timeline for Statutory compliances in view of Covid 19 Pandemic for a further period of (06) months.View G.O.
19-09-2020Act 12 of 2020Municipal Administration & Urban Development (PLG. III) DepartmentTS-bPASSView G.O.
16-09-2020G.O.Ms.No.135Municipal Administration & Urban Development (PLG. III) DepartmentTelangana State - Panchayat Raj & Rural Development and MA & UD - Amendment to Telangana Regularization of Unapproved and Illegal Layout Rules 2020View G.O.
09-09-2020L.A.Bill No.7 of 2020Telangana Rights in Land and Pattadar Pass Books Act, 2020Telangana Rights in Land and Pattadar Pass Books Act, 2020View G.O.
09-09-2020L.A.Bill of 9 of 2020Telangana Municipal Laws (Amendment) Act, 2020Telangana Municipal Laws (Amendment) Act, 2020View G.O.
31-08-2020G.O.Ms.No.131Municipal Administration & Urban Development (PLG. III) DepartmentTelangana State – Panchayat Raj & Rural Development and Municipal Administration & Urban Development - Regularization of Unapproved and Illegal Layout Rules 2020 for Urban and Rural areasView G.O.
08-07-2020G.O.Ms.No.108Municipal Administration & Urban Development (PLG. III) DepartmentMunicipal Administration & Urban Development Department - Payment of Building Permit and other charges in installmentsView G.O.
08-07-2020G.O.Ms.No.107Municipal Administration & Urban Development (PLG. III) DepartmentMA & UD Department- Extension of validity of building / layout approvalsView G.O.
06-07-2020G.O.Ms.No.106Municipal Administration & Urban Development (PLG. III) DepartmentMA & UD Department - Development of planned Layouts with sufficient road widths - Amendment to HMDA Layout RulesView G.O.
06-07-2020G.O.Rt.No.278Municipal Administration & Urban Development (PLG. III) DepartmentMunicipal Administration & Urban Development Department - Payment of City Level Infrastructure Impact Fee in instalments — Extension of time limitView G.O.
04-06-2020G.O.Ms.No.83Municipal Administration & Urban Development (PLG. I) DepartmentMA & UD Department - HMDA - Hyderabad Metropolitan Region Land Pooling Scheme, Area Development Plan, Development Scheme Assemblage, Formulation and Implementation Rules, 2017View G.O.
18-05-2020G.O.Ms.No.68General Administration DepartmentCOVID 19 - Disaster Management Act, 2005 - Lockdown measures till 31st May 2020 in the StateView G.O.
18-05-2020Proc.No.489/COVID-19/COMM/GHMC/2020PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMISSIONER, GREATER HYDERABAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONGHMC-COVID-19 - Pennissible activities during the Lockdown period lnstructionsView G.O.
08-05-2020G.O.Rt.No.173LABOUR EMPLOYMENT TRAINING & FACTORIES (Lab.II) DEPARTMENTLabour Employment Training & Factories Department – COVID-19 – The Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 – LOCKDOWN – Extension of Lockdown period upto 29.05.2020View G.O.
07-05-2020G.O.Ms.No.64GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTCOVID 19 - Disaster Management Act, 2005 - Lockdown measures till 29th May 2020 in the StateView G.O.
06-05-2020Lr.Roc.No.186812/COVID-19/May20MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTUrban Local Bodies- COVID- 19- certain instructions issued during the Lockdown period on opening of shopsView G.O.
23-03-2020G.O.Ms.No.46General Administration DepartmentCOVID-19 - The Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897- LOCKDOWN - Further orders IssuedView G.O.
23-03-2020G.O.Rt.No.160LABOUR, EMPLOYMENT, TRAINING AND FACTORIES (LAB-II) DEPARTMENTLETF Department – COVID-19 – The Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 – Notification of LOCKDOWN period from 22.03.2020 to 31.03.2020 – The Telangana Shops and Establishments Act, 1988 – Declaration of paid holiday for the LOCKDOWN period and Restriction of Business hoursView G.O.
22-03-2020Memo No.49APCAgriculture & Cooperation DepartmentA & C Dept. - COVID-19 - Epidemic Disease Act-1897 -Lock down orders - Issue of further Guidelines under A & C Dept., - Reg.View G.O.
22-03-2020G.O.MS.No.45General Administration DepartmentCOVID-19 – The Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897- LOCKDOWNView G.O.
21-03-2020G.O.MS.No.13Health and Family Welfare (D) DepartmentThe Epidemic Diseases ACT, 1897 - The Telangana Epidemic Diseases (COVID-19) Regulations, 2020View G.O.
07-02-2020G.O.Rt.No.53Municipal Administration & Urban Development (GHMC II) DepartmentMA & UD Department — Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation - Levy of Rent/lease charges in addition to the road cutting charges by GHMC — Permission accordedView G.O.
05-11-2019G.O.Ms.No.264Municipal Administration & Urban Development (PLG. III) DepartmentMA & UD Department - Transferability of TDR amendments to buildingsView G.O.
07-09-2019Memo No.9466Municipal Administration and Urban Development DepartmentMA & UD Department - Declaration of Commercial Roads in GHMC-HMDA area - Draft NotificationView G.O.
16-07-2019G.O.Ms.No.209MA & UD DepartmentMA & UD Department - Amendment to buildings rulesView G.O.
29-06-2019G.O.Rt.No.458Municipal Administration & Urban Development (TP&E I) DepartmentReappointment of G Narendra, CPO & Director Planning-II, HMDAView G.O.
04-06-2019G.O.Ms.No.63REVENUE (CT-II) DEPARTMENTThe Telangana Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (Act No.23 of 2017) – Notifications on Real Estate Sector with regard to State Tax (Rate) - NotificationsView G.O.
31-05-2019G.O.Ms.No.65Municipal Administration & Urban Development (PLG. III) DepartmentMA & UD Department - Amendment to buildings rulesView G.O.
22-04-2019G.O.Ms.No.50Municipal Administration & Urban Development (PLG. II) DepartmentMA & UD Department - Amendments to Buildings RulesView G.O.
14-03-2019Circular No:1/plg/HMDA/2019HMDAHMDA - Planning Department - Approval of layouts - Additional conditions to bo insisted while approving draft layouts In the HMDA areaView G.O.
07-03-2019G.O.Rt.No.219Municipal Administration & Urban Development (PLG. II) DepartmentMA & UD Department - Payment of City Level Infrastructure Impact fees in instalments - Extension of time limitView G.O.
24-02-2019G.O.Ms.No.90MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION & URBAN DEVELOPMENT (A2) DEPARTMENT MA & UD Department – Taxes - To levy and collect 50% of Vacant Land Tax (Property Tax on Land) during the construction period of buildingView G.O.
16-10-2018G.O.Ms.No.82Transport, Roads & Buildings Department R & B Department- Ease of Doing Business - Online System for according Road Cutting permission/Right of Way Permission - Accorded - AmendmentView G.O.
12-06-2018Lr No.G3-6981/2018Registration and Stamps Department Registration and Stamps Department- Rationalisation of fees- Registration fees on Area Pledged as Security at the time of sanction of the Building/ Layout Rules- remarks called for- Submission of informationView G.O.
04-04-2018Lr No.106/MR/2015-1Govt. Of TelanganaRepresentation by TREDA and CREDAI on Payment of Environment Impact Fee @ Rs. 3/- Per Sq. Ft. for buildings above 10,000 sq. ft. of built-up area as per approved plan by competent authority - ClarificationView G.O.
20-03-2018G.O.Ms.No.63Municipal Administration & Urban Development (PLG. II) DepartmentMA & UD Department - Parking Policy for Hyderabad and Urban Areas of Telangana State - Regulation of Parking Fee in Commercial EstablishmentsView G.O.
15-03-2018Memo No.26255Revenue (Registration) DepartmentRev.(Regn-I) Dept.,- Rationalisation of Registration Fees on Area Pledged as Security at the time of sanction of the building /Layout rules - Remarks called for - RegardingView G.O.
19-02-2018G.O.Ms.No.98Revenue (DA&LR) DepartmentThe A.P Agricultural Land (Conversion For Non-Agricultural Purposes) Rules, 2018View G.O.
11-01-2018G.O.Ms.No.6Municipal Administration & Urban Development (PLG. III) DepartmentMA & UD Department - Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 - Telangana 'Real Estate Regulatory Authority" - Designation of Special Chief Secretary to Government (Shri Rajeshwar Tiwari), Revenue Department as Regulatory AuthorityView G.O.
28-12-2017G.O.Ms.No.330Municipal Administration & Urban Development (PLG. II) DepartmentMA & UD Department - Promoting and Utilisation of TDR - Amendment of Building Rules, 2012View G.O.
18-12-2017G.O.Ms.No.283Revenue (Assignment-I) DepartmentLands –G.O.Ms.No.59- Extension of time limit for payment of instalments covered under G.O.Ms.No. 59, Revenue (Assn.I) Dept., dated 30.12.2014View G.O.
06-12-2017Memo No.26255/ Regn.I/A1/2017-1Revenue (Registration) DepartmentRev.(Regml) Dept.,- Rationalisation of Registration Fees on Area Pledged as Security at the time of sanction of the building /Laydut rules - Report called for- RegardingView G.O.
30-11-2017G.O.Ms.No.301Municipal Administration & Urban Development (PLG. II) DepartmentMA & UD Department - Payment of City Level Infrastructure Impact Fees Installments - Extension of time limitView G.O.
14-11-2017G.O.Ms.No.87Industries and Commerce (MINES-I) DepartmentMines & Minerals – District Mineral Foundation (Trust) – Certain amendments to DMF (Trust ) Rules,2015 issued in G.O.Ms.No.5, Industries & Commerce (Mines.I) Department, Dated: 20.01.2016View G.O.
04-08-2017G.O.Ms.No.52Transport, Roads & Buildings Department R & B Department– Ease of Doing Business – Online System for according Road Cutting permission/ Right of Way PermissionView G.O.
31-07-2017G.O.Ms.No.202Municipal Administration and Urban Development (M1) DepartmentRules - Telangana Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Rules, 2017 - NotificationView G.O.
31-07-2017G.O.Ms.No.202Telangana RERA - Agreement of SaleTelangana RERA - Agreement of SaleView G.O.
30-06-2017G.O.Ms.No.124Revenue (CT-II) DepartmentThe Telangana Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 – Absence of point of taxation under VAT and GST for builders registering sale deeds after 01-07-2017 due to time of supply rules (section 13 of the SGST Act) and lapse of TVAT Rules (Rule 17(4) (c) and 17(4)(i) - Ammendment - NotificationView G.O.
18-05-2017G.O.Ms.No.78Revenue (Assignment-I) DepartmentGovernment Lands - G.O.Ms.No.166 - Disposal of pending applicationsView G.O.
18-05-2017G.O.Ms.No.77Revenue (Assignment-I) DepartmentLands G.O.Ms.No.59- Extension of time limit for payment of instalments covered under G.O.Ms.No. 59, Revenue (Assn.I) Dept., dated 30.12.2014View G.O.
29-04-2017G.O.Rt.No.276Municipal Administration & Urban Development (M1) DepartmentMA & UD Department — Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Rules — Constitution of CommitteeView G.O.
29-04-2017Memo No.8309/M1/2016Municipal Administration & Urban Development (M) DepartmentMA & UD - TSDR & FS - Issuance of NOC for Stepped and Pyramidal type buildings / Tower and Podium Type Buildings as per G.O.Ms.No.168 MA & UD dept., dt.7.4.2012 - Regarding.View G.O.
28-04-2017Memo No.2252/M1/2017Municipal Administration & Urban Development (M) DepartmentMA & UD Dept. - Issue of Building Permission in the plots/sites which are not applied under LRS 2015 -Certain orders issued - RegView G.O.
12-04-2017G.O.Rt.No.62Housing (RH&C.A2) DepartmentHousing Department –Certain relaxation of Eligibility Criteria of Tenders for 2BHK Housing Programme in the State-Orders-IssuedView G.O.
06-03-2017G.O.Ms.No.17Industries and Commerce (MINES.I) DepartmentMines & Minerals - New Sand Mining Policy, 2014 – Certain amendments to the Telangana State Sand Mining Rules, 2015View G.O.
21-02-2017G.O.Ms.No.44Municipal Administration and Urban Development (M1) DepartmentMA & UD - Agriculture Land Act, 2006View G.O.
13-02-2017G.O.Ms.No.11Industries and Commerce (MINES.I) DepartmentMines & Minerals – New Sand Mining Policy, 2014 – Certain amendments to the Telangana State Sand Mining Rules, 2015View G.O.
08-02-2017G.O.Ms.No.35Revenue (Assignment-I) DepartmentRegularization and transfer of rights on lands encroachments on unobjectionable Government land and Surplus land under Urban Land Ceiling to the people on payment basisView G.O.
27-12-2016G.O.Ms.No.301Municipal Administration and Urban Development (A2) DepartmentMA & UD Department – Exemption of Property tax for any one house either in the name of the Exservicemen / Serving personnel or his wife irrespective of the number of floors occupied by the dependent familyView G.O.
07-12-2016G.O.Rt.No.839Municipal Administration and Urban Development (L1) DepartmentMA & UD Department - Constritution of Committee to study G.O.Ms.No.111 dt 08.03.1996 and suggest future course of actionView G.O.
02-12-2016G.O.Ms.No.278Municipal Administration and Urban Development (M1) DepartmentMunicipal Administration and Urban Development Department - Telangana Regularization of Unapproved and Illegal Layout Rules, 2015 -Extension of time limit for receipt of applicationsView G.O.
13-11-2016G.O.Ms.No.280Revenue (ULC) DepartmentUrban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Repeal Act, 1999 (Central Act 15 of 1999) – Excess lands declared and taken possession under the provisions of the ULC Act 1976 – Allotment of excess lands which are already under occupation of 3rd parties and declarants in core and peripheral areas – G.O.Ms.No.92 - Extension of time for receipt of applicationsView G.O.
01-11-2016G.O.Ms.No.273Revenue (Registration-1) DepartmentRevenue (Registration and Stamps) Department –Excess lands declared and taken possession under the provisions of the Urban Land Ceiling Act, 1976View G.O.
04-10-2016G.O.Ms.No.59Industries and Commerce (MI) DepartmentMines and Minerals – Instructions on issue of No Objection Certificates for lands having mineral wealth - AmendmentView G.O.
30-08-2016G.O.Ms.No.223Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA)Municipal Administration Et Urban Development Department - Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) Area- Revision of Rates of Development ChargesView G.O.
18-06-2016G.O.Rt.No.113Housing (RH&C.A1) DepartmentHousing Department – BE 2016-17 –Repayment of Principle & Interest to HUDCO, for the quarter ending 30.06.2016-Proposal for according Administrative SanctionView G.O.
14-06-2016G.O.Ms.No.158Revenue (Registration-I) DepartmentRevenue (Registration & Stamps) Department – Record of Rights – Form X Claims – Exemption of Stamp Duty on regularization of "Sada Bainama"View G.O.
01-06-2016Lr.No.2775VG-OTS/2014VIGILANCE-Mines & MineralsVIGILANCE-Mines & Minerals–One Time Settlement (OTS) Scheme for payment of Normal Seigniorage fee and one time penalty for the Minor Minerals involved in the Construction Activities taken up by the builders / firms in Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy Districts–Extension of the Scheme for the last time upto 31.07.2016-Communicating to the Builders/Firms for utilization of OTS Scheme by Convening a Meeting with the builders– RequestedView G.O.
30-05-2016G.O.Ms.No.155Municipal Administration and Urban Development (M1) DepartmentMunicipal Administration and Urban Development Department – Ease of Doing Business – Collection of Mutation fee at the time of transfer of property - Authorization to Sub Registrars of Registration & Stamps DepartmentView G.O.
26-05-2016G.O.Ms.No.92Revenue (ULC) DepartmentUrban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Repeal Act, 1999 (Central Act 15 of 1999) – Excess lands declared and taken possession under the provisions of the ULC Act, 1976 – Allotment of excess lands which are already under occupation of 3rd parties and declarants in core and peripheral areas – Policy GuidelinesView G.O.
29-04-2016S.O.1595(E)Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change NotificationNotification on provision of environmental clearness dated 2.5.16View G.O.
22-04-2016G.O.Ms.No.112Municipal Administration and Urban Development (M1) DepartmentMunicipal Administration and Urban Development Department – Development – Ease of Doing Business – Risk Based classification of BuildingsView G.O.
21-04-2016Lr No.3802/ M1/2016Municipal Administration and Urban Development (M1) DepartmentMA & UD Dept., - Amendment issued to G.O.Ms.No.168 Ma Dt.07.04.2012 in G.O.Ms.No.7, 8. 9 & 10 dt: 5.01.2016 - Certain clarificationsView G.O.
12-04-2016G.O.Rt.No.212Municipal Administration and Urban Development (UBS) DepartmentMunicipal Administration and Urban Development Department – Smart City Mission – Preparation of smart City proposals and implementation – High Powered Steering Committee ConstitutedView G.O.
11-03-2016G.O.RT.No.76Industries and Commerce (MINES.I) DepartmentMines & Minerals – One Time Settlement (OTS) Scheme introduced for payment of penalty of Seigniorage fee on the consumption of Minor Minerals in construction activity –Extension of time for another six monthsView G.O.
24-02-2016G.O.Ms.No.31Revenue (Commercial Taxes-Ii) DepartmentCommercial Taxes - The Telangana Value Added Tax Act, 2005 – Ease of Doing Business – Amendment to Rule 10 of the Telangana Value Added Tax Rules, 2005View G.O.
24-02-2016G.O.Ms.No.8Industries and Commerce (MINES.I) DepartmentMines & Minerals - Payment of Environment Impact Fee @ Rs.3/- per Square feet for buildings above 10,000 Square feet of built up area, as per approved plan by Competent AuthorityView G.O.
01-02-2016G.O.Ms.No.34Municipal Administration and Urban Development (M1) DepartmentMunicipal Administration & Urban Development Department - Telangana Regularisation of Unauthorizedly constructed buildings and buildings constructed in deviation of the sanctioned plan Rules 2015- Extension of time limit for receipt of applications -NotificationView G.O.
01-02-2016G.O.Ms.No.33Municipal Administration and Urban Development (M1) DepartmentMunicipal Administration and Urban Development Department – Telangana Regularization of Unapproved and Illegal Layout Rules, 2015 - Extension of time limit for receipt of applicationsView G.O.
05-01-2016G.O.Ms.No.12Municipal Administration and Urban Development (M1) DepartmentMunicipal Administration and Urban Development Department – Consideration of certain issues conducive to growth of Real Estate Sector in Urban areas of Telangana State – Constitution of Expert CommitteeView G.O.
05-01-2016G.O.Ms.No.10Municipal Administration and Urban Development (M1) DepartmentMunicipal Administration and Urban Development Department – Amendments to Layout Development RegulationsView G.O.
05-01-2016G.O.Ms.No.9Municipal Administration and Urban Development (M1) DepartmentMunicipal Administration and Urban Development Department – Amendments to Special Development Regulations of Hyderabad Outer Ring Road Growth CorridorView G.O.
05-01-2016G.O.Ms.No.8Municipal Administration and Urban Development (M1) DepartmentMA & UD Department – Amendments to Multiplex Complexes Rules 2007View G.O.
05-01-2016G.O.Ms.No.7Municipal Administration and Urban Development (M1) DepartmentMunicipal Administration and Urban Development Department – Amendments to Building Rules 2012View G.O.
05-01-2016G.O.Ms.No.4Revenue (Land Matters) DepartmentThe Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014 – The A.P. Agricultural Land (Conversion for Non Agricultural purposes) Act, 2006 (Act.No.3 of 2006) – Adaptation to the State of TelanganaView G.O.
05-01-2016Memo No.10412 /M1/2016Municipal Administration and Urban Development (M1) DepartmentMA & UD - Consideration of certain issues conducive to growth of Real Estate Sector in urban areas of Telangana StateView G.O.
24-06-2016G.O.Ms.No.8Govt. Of TelanganaMines & Minerals - Payment of Environment Impact Fee @ Rs.3/- per Square feet for buildings above 10,000 Square feet of built up area, as per approved plan by Competent Authority – Orders issued- Certain Guidelines – Issued.View G.O.
24-02-1016G.O.Ms.No.31Govt. Of TelanganaCommercial Taxes - The Telangana Value Added Tax Act, 2005 – Ease of Doing Business – Amendment to Rule 10 of the Telangana Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 – Notification – Orders – Issued.View G.O.
30-08-2016G.O.Ms.No.233Govt. Of TelanganaMunicipal Administration & Urban Development Department - Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) Area- Revision of Rates of Development Charges - Orders – Issued.View G.O.
06-04-2016Lr.No.2252-M1-2017Municipal Administration and Urban Development (M1) DepartmentMA & UD Department — Regularization Of unapproved and Illegal layouts — Certain Clarification orders — Issued – Regarding.View G.O.
01-06-2016Lr.No.2775VG-OTS-2014Govt. Of TelanganaVIGILANCE-Mines & Minerals–One Time Settlement (OTS) Scheme for payment of Normal Seigniorage fee and one time penalty for the Minor Minerals involved in the Construction Activities taken up by the builders / firms in Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy Districts–Extension of the Scheme for the last time upto 31.07.2016-Communicating to the Builders/Firms for utilization of OTS Scheme by Convening a Meeting with the builders– Requested–Regarding.View G.O.
31-12-2015G.O.Ms.No.211Municipal Administration and Urban Development (M1) DepartmentMunicipal Administration & Urban Development Department - Telangana Regularisation of Unauthorizedly constructed buildings and buildings constructed in deviation of the sanctioned plan Rules 2015- Extension of time limit for receipt of applications -NotificationView G.O.
31-12-2015G.O.Ms.No.210Municipal Administration and Urban Development (M1) DepartmentMunicipal Administration and Urban Development Department – Telangana Regularization of Unapproved and Illegal Layout Rules, 2015 - Extension of time limit for receipt of applicationsView G.O.
07-11-2015G.O.Ms.No.82Industries and Commerce (MINES.I) DepartmentMines & Minerals – New Sand Mining Policy, 2014 – Certain amendments to the Telangana State Sand Mining Rules, 2015View G.O.
02-11-2015G.O.MS.No. 152Municipal Administration and Urban Development (M1) DepartmentTelangana Regularisation of Unauthorizedly constructed buildings and buildings constructed in deviation of the sanctioned plan Rules 2015- NotificationView G.O.
02-11-2015G.O.MS.No. 151Municipal Administration and Urban Development (M1) DepartmentTelangana Regularization of Unapproved and Illegal Layout Rules, 2015View G.O.
26-10-2015O.O.No.15076/P8/ Policy/Plg/H/2007HMDAHMDA - Plg. Dept – Procedure for disposal of draft development permission applications where the NALA conversion certificate under Sec. 4 of Andhra Pradesh Agriculture Land Act 2006 is not submitted – InstructionsView G.O.
15-10-2015G.O.RT.No.135HOUSING(HB&OP.A2)DEPARTMENT Housing Department –TSHCL – Hon’ble CM’s Assurances– Sanction of 2-BHK houses in Gajwel of Pregnapur in Medak District under SRQView G.O.
15-10-2015G.O.Ms.No.10HOUSING (RH&C.A1) DEPARTMENT Housing Department –Guidelines for implementation of 2 Bed Room Housing Programme in the StateView G.O.
26-09-2015G.O.RT.No.67INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE (MINES.I) DEPARTMENT Mines and Minerals – Revision of Rates of Seigniorage Fee and Dead RentView G.O.
08-09-2015G.O.Ms.No.121MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION & URBAN DEVELOPMENT (F2) DEPARTMENTMA & UD Department – Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation – Construction of Multi Level Flyovers and Junctions at various (20 projects) important places in GHMC Area under Strategic Road Development Programme in Phase-I on EPC mode –Administrative Sanction - Accorded.View G.O.
28-08-2015G.O.Ms.No.102MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION & URBAN DEVELOPMENT (I1) DEPARTMENTMunicipal Administration & Urban Development Department – Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority – Minimum area for Layout developmentView G.O.
28-08-2015W.P.NO:26688NALA Common Order/ JudjementNALA Common Order/ JudjementView G.O.
21-08-2015G.O.Ms.No.54INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE (MINES.I) DEPARTMENTNew Sand Mining Policy, 2014 – Certain amendments to the Telangana State Sand Mining Rules, 2015View G.O.
06-08-2015Lr.No.5987/MR(OTS) 2014-2Department of Mines & GeologyMines & Minerals - One Time Settlement (OTS) Scheme for payment of penalty of Seigniorage fee on the consumption of Minor Minerals in construction activity - Extension of time for another Six Months-RegardingView G.O.
05-08-2015G.O.Ms.No.255INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE (MINES.I) DEPARTMENT Mines & Minerals – One Time Settlement (OTS) Scheme introduced for payment of penalty of Seigniorage fee on the consumption of Minor Minerals in construction activity –Extension of time for another six monthsView G.O.
30-07-2015G.O.Ms.No.95MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION & URBAN DEVELOPMENT (A2) DEPARTMENTMA & UD Department – Reduction of Transfer Duty on Gift Deeds from 1.5% to 0.5 % in favour of relatives as defined under Sec 56 (2) of I.T Act, 1961 Government (State & Central) and Local Bodies, Urban Development Authorities under the A.P. Municipality Act, 1965, AP Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 and GHMC Act, 1955 - NotificationView G.O.
29-07-2015G.O.Ms.No.288MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION & URBAN DEVELOPMENT (UBS) DEPARTMENT Municipal Administration and Urban Development Department – Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) – Constitution of State Level Technical Committee (SLTC) as approved by State Level High Powered Steering Committee (SHPSC) under AMRUTView G.O.
23-07-2015G.O.Ms.No.120REVENUE (REGISTRATION-I) DEPARTMENTRevenue (Registration and Stamps) Department – Indian Stamp Act, 1899 – Reduction of Stamp Duty Payable in respect of certain documents comes under schedule 1-A to the Indian Stamp Act, 1899View G.O.
17-07-2015G.O.Rt.No.278MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION & URBAN DEVELOPMENT (UBS) DEPARTMENT MA & UD Department – Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) – Constitution of State Level High Powered Steering Committee (SHPSC) under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary to Government, TelanganaView G.O.
20-06-2015G.O.Rt.No.232MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (F2) DEPARTMENTMA & UD Department – GHMC – Strategic Road Development Plan – Construction of Multi Level Flyovers and Junctions at various important places in Greater Hyderabad Municipal corporation areas – Constitution of High Level CommitteeView G.O.
17-06-2015G.O.Ms.No.34INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE (MINES.I) DEPARTMENT Payment of Environment Impact Fee @ Rs.3/- per Square feet for buildings above 10,000 Square feet of built up area, as per approved plan by Competent AuthorityView G.O.
04-06-2015G.O.Ms.No.2HOUSING(HB&OP.A2)DEPARTMENT Housing Department – Sanction of 2BHK houses in G+ pattern at Ambedkar Nagar and in SR Nagar at WarangalView G.O.
30-05-2015G.O.Rt.No.208MUNICIPAL ADMINSTRATION AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (F2) DEPARTMENTMA & UD Department – GHMC - Strategic Road Development Plan – Construction of Multi Level Flyovers and Junctions at various important places in Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation areas – In principle approval of the projectView G.O.
29-05-2015G.O.Ms.No.69REVENUE (JA&LA) DEPARTMENTLand Acquisition – The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 (No.30 of 2013) – The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (Amendment) Ordinance, 2015 (No.4 of 2015) – NotificationView G.O.
28-05-2015G.O.Rt.No.205MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENTMA & UD Department - Swachh Telangana – Swachh Hyderabad – Review meeting with various Organisations in Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation – Formation of all Party Committees to examine various issuesView G.O.
06-05-2015G.O.Ms.No.30INDUSTRIES & COMMERCE (MINES.I) DEPARTMENTMINES & MINERALS – The Telangana State Sand Mining Rules, 2015 – AmendmentsView G.O.
29-04-2015G.O.Ms.No.29INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE (MINES.I) DEPARTMENTMines & Minerals – One Time Settlement (OTS) Scheme for payment of penalty of Seigniorage fee on the consumption of Minor Minerals in construction activity – AmendmentView G.O.
03-03-2015O.O.No.8330/P8/Plg/ policy/H/2009HMDAHMDA - Plg. Dept. — Payment of Development charges & Capitalization charges in InstallmentsView G.O.
19-02-2015G.O.Ms.No.15INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE (MINES-I) DEPARTMENTMINES & MINERALS – Sand Policy – Amendments to the Telangana State Sand Mining Rules, 2015 issued in G.O.Ms.No.3, Ind.& Com.(Mines-I) Dept., dated 08-01-2015 – NotificationView G.O.
06-02-2015G.O.Ms.No.42MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (A2) DEPARTMENTMunicipal Administration & Urban Development Department - Property Tax – Collection of property tax in the Municipalities and Municipal Corporations in the State - Waiver of Interest on arrears and current year dues of property tax upto 31.03.2015 - Adjustment of interest already paid by the Tax payers against the future property taxView G.O.
04-02-2015G.O.Ms.No.10INSDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE (MINES.I) DEPARTMENTMines & Minerals – Regulation of sand mining – Telangana State Sand Mining Rules, 2015 – Fixation of sand sale priceView G.O.
30-01-2015G.O.Ms.No.12Government Lands – Regularization and transferGovernment Lands – Regularization and transfer of rights on lands in respect of possessions on unobjectionable Government land and Surplus land under Urban Land Ceiling to the people on payment basisView G.O.
08-01-2015G.O.Ms.No.3INDUSTRIES & COMMERCE (MINES-I) DEPARTMENTMines & Minerals - Regulation Of Sand Mining - New Sand Mining Policy, 2014 – Formulation Of Telangana State Sand Mining Rules – 2015 (TSSMR-2015)View G.O.
25-04-2015G.O.Rt.No.157 MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (B) DEPARTMENTIAS – Certain transfers and postings - Smt. Shalini Mishra, IAS Transfer and posting – Placed at disposal of Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department, Hyderabad and posted as Metropolitan Commissioner, Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority, Hyderabad - Orders – IssuedView G.O.
31-12-2014G.O.Ms.No.60REVENUE (ULC) DEPARTMENTUrban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Repeal Act, 1999 (Central Act 15 of 1999) – Excess land declared and taken possession under the provisions of the ULC Act, 1976 in Hyderabad and Warangal Urban Agglomerations – Allotment of excess lands which are already under occupation of 3rd parties and declarants in core and peripheral areas – Policy guidelines issued – ClarificationView G.O.
30-12-2014G.O.Ms.No.58REVENUE (ASSIGNMENT –I) DEPARTMENT Government Lands – Assignment of unobjectionable Government land and Surplus land under Urban Land Ceiling to an extent up to 125 square yards to poor families at free of costView G.O.
30-12-2014G.O.Ms.No.59REVENUE (ASSIGNMENT –II) DEPARTMENT Government Lands – Regularization and transfer of rights on lands encroachments on unobjectionable Govt. land and Surplus land under Urban Land Ceiling to the people on payment basisView G.O.
22-12-2014G.O.Ms.No.35PANCHAYAT RAJ AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT (Pts.II) DEPARTMENTPR & RD Department – The Andhra Pradesh Gram Panchayat Land Development (Lay out and Building) Rules, 2002 – Adaptation to the State of Telangana with amendmentsView G.O.
19-12-2014G.O.Ms.No.50REVENUE (JA&LA) DEPARTMENTRevenue Department - Land Acquisition – The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 (Act No.30/2013) – Telangana State Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Rules,2014 –NotificationView G.O.
12-12-2014G.O.Ms.No.38INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE (MINES.I) DEPARTMENTMines & Minerals – New Sand Mining Policy - 2014 for the State of Telangana – IntroducedView G.O.
04-12-2014G.O.Ms.No.35INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE (MINES.I) DEPARTMENTMines & Minerals – One Time Settlement (OTS) Scheme for payment of penalty of Seigniorage fee on the consumption of Minor Minerals in construction activityView G.O.
20-11-2014G.O.Ms.No.389REVENUE (LAND ACQUISITION) DEPARTMENTThe Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation & Resettlement Act, 2013 (No. 30 of 2013) – Andhra Pradesh Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Rules, 2014 – NotificationView G.O.
15-10-2014G.O.Ms.No.32REVENUE (C.T.II) DEPARTMENTThe Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act, 2014 – Revenue (CT) Department – The Andhra Pradesh Value Added Tax Act, 2005 – Adaptation to the State of TelanganaView G.O.
13-10-2014G.O.Ms.No.8MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION & URBAN DEVELOPMENT (M1) DEPARTMENT MA & UD Department - Payment of City Level Infrastructure Impact Fee – Certain concessions – Extension of time limitView G.O.
28-08-2014G.O.Ms.No.94INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE (MINES-IV) DEPARTMENTMINES & MINERALS – Review of Sand Mining Policy in the State – Quarrying of sand by Women Self Help Groups through Andhra Pradesh Mineral Development Corporation – New Sand Policy-2014View G.O.
13-05-2014G.O.Ms.No.121MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION & URBAN DEVELOPMENT (M1) DEPARTMENTMA & UD – Building Penalization Scheme & Layout Regulation Scheme – Appeals made by applicants – Reconstitution of Appellate CommitteeView G.O.
21-04-2014Lr No.Mv6-12658/2012Govt. AP Registration and Stamps DepartmentMarket Value Guidelines - Revision of Market Values Guidelines - Represention Submitted-RegView G.O.
12-11-2013G.O.Ms.No.139 INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE (MINES-I) DEPARTMENTMines and Minerals – Exemption of Seigniorage fee for leveling of land for Agriculture/civil purpose and other than mining purpose –Orders – Issued.View G.O.
07-04-2012G.O.Ms.No.168 Municipal Administration & Urban Development (M) DepartmentMunicipal Administration and Urban Development Department Pradesh Building Rules, 2012 — Orders — Issued. — AndhraView G.O.
13-06-2011G.O.Rt.No.708 MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION & URBAN DEVELOPMENT (H1) DEPARTMENTHyderabad Metro Rail (MRTS) Project – Road Widening – Constitution of Committee for payment of Ex-gratia to the Government Vested Municipal (GVM) properties being affected in widening of 3 Metro Corridors - Orders – Issued.View G.O.
09-11-2011G.O.Rt.No.1428 MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION & URBAN DEVELOPMENT (H1) DEPARTMENTHyderabad Metro Rail (MRTS) Project – Road Widening – Committee Constituted for payment of Ex-gratia to the Government Vested Municipal (GVM) properties being affected in widening of 3 Metro Corridors - Re-constituted for looking after the issues pertaining to Government Vested Municipal (GVM) properties and also ULC properties - Orders – Issued.View G.O.
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